After listening to Dave Hickey's podcast it really made me think about how much art has changed over the years. It used to be based on the artistic talents and characteristics a person had for certain things. Now it is all based on prices and the money one could receive. He also discusses how there is art that can sell and there is art that will never sell. I think its very sad how art has turned into such a commercialized activity. People used to get involved in art because they had a love for it and they wanted to express their talents and their feelings. Now as Hickey explains in his podcast people are getting involved because they see an opportunity to make money. Although this may not be true to all artists, which I'm sure it is not, there are still many more artists than there ever were being placed into the commercialized art category. Along with everything else in the world, art is changing, but is that a good thing or a bad thing? The answer to that question can be extremely different based upon who you are asking.
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