Known for her contributions to modern and contemporary art, Louise Bourgeois is truly recognized for her spider sculptures, which is where she got the nickname of 'Spider woman'. She is also known for being the founder of confessional art. In looking at her work on the spider structure I feel as though this is a very interesting and fun way of expressing ones artistic talents. After researching through the meaning behind the spider structure I found out that it represents mothers, and the sustenance of life. I also found that a spider's web deals with stories, social threads and interconnectedness. Louise was named after her mother who she felt was a "clever, patient, caring,reasonable, subtle, etc. person." She was her best friend and this is why she created this spider. She felt as though spiders are everything her mother was. In looking at this picture below I feel as though this structure is very interesting and fun. After reading through the meaning of why Louise created it I like it even more because it has meaning. Maybe other people can relate to this spider as well by not just looking at the actual structure but by learning more about what it represents.
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