Monday, October 18, 2010

“One of the principal ways we can change our relationship to difficult art is by repetition. An unpleasant piece of music may, the sixth or seventh time we listen, reveal new beauty. If we study one of Josef Albers's seemingly simple paintings of different colored squares, the colors start to shift. Of course, difficulty doesn't always give way to revelation - sometimes what follows is, alas, frustration. But when it does, we get that additional sense of satisfaction: The arduous ascent has been rewarded with a panoramic view.”

After reading this quote above, and looking at this very interesting piece of art I feel like the two almost fit perfectly together.  This piece of art is very unusual to me.  It looks like a calm and colorful drawing, but then if you look close you can see a face in the middle of all the butterflies, shapes and colors.  This simple and beautiful painting has now turned into something else because of this face.  Is it supposed to be portraying beauty in a different way, or is it supposed to be a face hiding behind all the other beautiful things in the world.  In my opinion I think this painting means there are so many beautiful things in the world and people are part of those things.  Along with butterflies, bright colors, shapes, love, happiness, people are probably the most beautiful of them all.

If you were to look at other pictures of unusual pieces of work you may see something different.  I even feel that if you stare at this painting long enough your opinions on what you first think it means will change to something else.  Maybe that is why art is so interesting and different from other things in the world.

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