Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Damien Hirst's Pharmacy..Is it really Art?

Looking at this picture above of Damien Hirst's 'Pharmacy', do you really consider this to be a form of art? I don't understand how it is art besides the fact that it is displayed at an exhibit. Although this is a complete replica of an actual pharmacy, I just don't understand how it can be considered art.  The medicine bottles are all neatly separated throughout the store and the desk is even made like it is an actual pharmacy.  The four bottles on the desk represent: earth, water, fire, and air.  The only thing missing in this pharmacy are people working and customers shopping.  This piece of work can go back to our original question of "what is art?" Some people may consider this to be art, and some may not it all depends on the individual and in my case I don't think this is art.

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