Wednesday, December 8, 2010

UAlbany Courier Exhibit


We went to the Courier exhibit at UAlbany and to put it lightly we were disappointed. I have never been to an art exhibit before and maybe my expectations were too high but I expected a lot more. I thought they would have filled the space with art pieces and instead it was quite bear. I didn't know there would be multiple artists work there either so that surprised me. I went into the exhibit without any prior knowledge of the exhibit or the artists featured there and in a way I expected there to be walls and walls of paintings and tons of sculptures. I guess if I had known the typewriting theme ahead of time I would have been more prepared and probably would have went to a different exhibit. Although, I did like the guy who made the sounds of the typewriter with his mouth. I think that was very creative and pretty entertaining. I guess overall the exhibit was educational but not the most interesting thing I have ever been to. I wish had gone to some tye of performance art instead. I think that would have been much more appealing to me.

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